Sunday, April 29, 2012


I learned myself a new trick! In order to get the hang of it, I decided to make a mock-movie poster. I've seen the likes of Graphic Design giants such as Olly Moss and Tomer Hanuka do their takes on movie posters (Yes, I chose the same movie as Tomer but what can I say, it's an awesome movie!) to which I could never dream of comparing, but in spite of that I decided to do my own modest little version of one.
Really minimal and it kind of gives it a sci-fi vibe, but it was a quick little project.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Uptown Art Fair 2012

Hello, it's me. It's been a while, hasn't it? Have you been thinking of me, like I've been thinking of you? Fond memories... Passion filled rendezvous... Heart-wrenching goodbyes...

Woah woah woah, got a little side tracked. Anyways, I came up with a submission for the Uptown [Minneapolis] Art Fair t-shirts this year. It's simple, but I wanted to appeal to a wide demographic. Hopefully I win! But no hard feelings if I don't, I had fun making it.

The font was designed by Måns Grebäck, and I added the reflection-type flourishes.
A quick mock-up.