I finally got to start screen printing some of my designs, I'm psyched! I took some pics for y'all (which you may not find as interesting as I do, but anyways,) sorry about the low-quality cellphone pics!
The first design I printed was commissioned by Shameless Inc. and it was based on a design I showed you in an earlier post (Love Note to MPLS). The design was modified to this end:
My babies...
Pretty cool right?? Hand printed by yours truly and available at Shameless' Storefront on Franklin & Hennepin and soon to come online. I'll talk about that more later though.
I also hand-deliver, if you're in the MN area and are interested in one, as well as ship. Get at me if you're interested!
I also hand-deliver, if you're in the MN area and are interested in one, as well as ship. Get at me if you're interested!
These shirts are for sale, and it would be awesome if you wanted one, to
show your support for the local arts, or for whatever reason!
This first run consisted of 18 shirts total, so if you want some in this color be sure to let me know quick!
They are currently only $10 (!), e-mail:
Jeffrey (at) Kidjerf (dot) com to order!
I'm interested in getting one